Ann's Blog on the Barbie Bandits

Ann’s Blog #5:
Barbie Bandit: ‘Stuff we did was pretty ignorant’ (, May 19, 2007)
So get this…we’ve got two idiotic girls making headlines from Acworth, Georgia. The story goes a little something like this. Two girls, named Heather Johnston and Ashley Miller, came up with an idea to rob a bank. The idea came up as a joke, says Johnston. They had an inside man working as the teller at a local Neighborhood National Bank. After struggling with finding the right bank, they were caught on the video surveillance system of the bank wearing trendy sunglasses and laughing while stealing $11,000. They had slight other issues also, when the teller practically threw the money at them and they lost control of it for a moment. After the heist, the ‘Barbie Bandits’ as they have been named, headed strait for the nearest mall where their first order of business was to get their hair highlighted. After their hair was fresh and new for them, they went shopping, ate a meal and gave some money to the homeless. The girls (along with the bank teller and one other man) were arrested two days later.
I am very amused by this whole story. Especially from all of the quotes worked into the article by Heather Johnston. Here are a couple; “We took a wrong turn somewhere, ended up going to a completely different Bank of America,” “He started throwing it [the money] and it was like going everywhere," “We had got them a couple weeks before this even came up. Like, we called them our stunner shades," “I mean, it's crossed a lot of people's minds, from what I've heard [talking about the idea of robbing a bank]." Well, this one sounds like an intelligent one, eh? She seems like the typical dumb blonde. Its entertaining to me that they actually got away with this for awhile. They don’t seem to me like they would be capable of scheming up a plan that would be successful. They went to the wrong bank at first, for goodness sake. The only reason that they got away for a while was because they had a whole lot of luck. I have never really understood the whole stealing scenario. I know that I would never be able to enjoy something that I knew belonged to someone else. I would feel so guilty running around the mall, buying a cute little mini with money that wasn’t rightfully mine. I guess that they justified it by giving some of it to the homeless. Haha. Yeah, that’s a good one, girls, now when they catch you, they will take it easier on you because at least you were generous with the money that you stole.
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Barbie Bandit: ‘Stuff we did was pretty ignorant’ (, May 19, 2007)
So get this…we’ve got two idiotic girls making headlines from Acworth, Georgia. The story goes a little something like this. Two girls, named Heather Johnston and Ashley Miller, came up with an idea to rob a bank. The idea came up as a joke, says Johnston. They had an inside man working as the teller at a local Neighborhood National Bank. After struggling with finding the right bank, they were caught on the video surveillance system of the bank wearing trendy sunglasses and laughing while stealing $11,000. They had slight other issues also, when the teller practically threw the money at them and they lost control of it for a moment. After the heist, the ‘Barbie Bandits’ as they have been named, headed strait for the nearest mall where their first order of business was to get their hair highlighted. After their hair was fresh and new for them, they went shopping, ate a meal and gave some money to the homeless. The girls (along with the bank teller and one other man) were arrested two days later.
I am very amused by this whole story. Especially from all of the quotes worked into the article by Heather Johnston. Here are a couple; “We took a wrong turn somewhere, ended up going to a completely different Bank of America,” “He started throwing it [the money] and it was like going everywhere," “We had got them a couple weeks before this even came up. Like, we called them our stunner shades," “I mean, it's crossed a lot of people's minds, from what I've heard [talking about the idea of robbing a bank]." Well, this one sounds like an intelligent one, eh? She seems like the typical dumb blonde. Its entertaining to me that they actually got away with this for awhile. They don’t seem to me like they would be capable of scheming up a plan that would be successful. They went to the wrong bank at first, for goodness sake. The only reason that they got away for a while was because they had a whole lot of luck. I have never really understood the whole stealing scenario. I know that I would never be able to enjoy something that I knew belonged to someone else. I would feel so guilty running around the mall, buying a cute little mini with money that wasn’t rightfully mine. I guess that they justified it by giving some of it to the homeless. Haha. Yeah, that’s a good one, girls, now when they catch you, they will take it easier on you because at least you were generous with the money that you stole.
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